Pray for TSTM ministries and staff Please pray for the pastoral staff in the evangelism and preaching ministry – Praise the Lord for completion of 2-day smart phone evangelism and 3-day physical evangelism. Although the number of believers participating in the meeting was not as many as before the pandemic, we still saw His hand and presence with us. According to statistics, we have 80 participants registered, total contact of 403 unbelievers, preaching to 120 people , and 7 people who are determined to believe in the Lord, Glory to God! Pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of men, hoping that those who
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News and Prayer items for August 2022
Prayers for the Short Mission Center and Pastoral Staff Please pray for the pastoral staff in the evangelism and preaching ministry. – Pray thankfully for the training and door-to-door evangelism in August. Many brothers and sisters joined the evangelistic activities and the neighbors responded well. May the Lord move the church members so they continue to preach and care for the community. – Pray for the 9th “Jesus Loves Chinatown”. Pray that our pastors in the GTA would not only value those believers who return to the in-person church gathering, but they would also encourage believers to love our Lord and to take an active part in evangelism
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Bible Verse Evangelism Series – Please pray that the Lord would use this course and help students to learn so bible verses are used as an evangelistic tool, fostering new believers’ spiritual and faithful life. Elderly Care and Missionary Work (Rekai, Tender Care, Kennedy Lodge, Sienna, 369 and 2 Yee Hong) -May the Lord grant the elderly good health and spiritual strength, so that our care and missionary work will not be hindered during the epidemic. -Pray that the volunteers be given grace and wisdom when serving the elderly, so they can believe in God and their faith be strengthened. Vitality Booster Meetings (生命活力加油站) Please pray
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Evangelism Training Programs and Evangelism Thanks to the Lord for the successful completion of the Winter Training Program. Please pray for the new program series on “Evangelism With Gospel Scriptures” starting on May 5, 2022, Thursday. May God motivate more believers to participate in it, adhere to the calling of evangelism and be equipped. Outreach Program at Two Chinese Malls on April 16 This year’s theme is Resurrection and Hope. Thanks to the Lord for leading us to smoothly complete the Easter evangelistic event at New Kennedy Square and King’s Square. There were more attendees than Christmas last year. Pray for the follow-up work. May the Lord move
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Pray for evangelism training and evangelism Thanks be to the Lord for successful completion of the winter course. Please pray for the new course in Summer term: Evangelism With Gospel Scriptures Series. May the Lord motivate more believers to be equipped in response to the calling of mission. Please pray for Mall Evangelism at two Chinese Malls on April 16 This year’s theme:Resurrection and Hope。Pray that God will lead us and that New Kennedy Square and King’s Square will allow us to carry out the outreach program smoothly. We will have 4 gospel game booths at New Kennedy Square and 7 game booths at King Square, the most
Read moreToronto STM 2022 Mar News & Prayer
Please pray for Tuesdays and Thursdays classes and the smartphone evangelism outreach, may the Lord guide the students and alumni continue to work tirelessly to spread the gospel, and be vigilant and wait for the Lord’s return! Please pray for Mall Evangelism at two Chinese Malls on April 16 – This year’s topic:Resurrection and Hope。Pray that God will make a way so New Kennedy Square and King’s Square will allow us to carry out the outreach program smoothly. – We will have 4 gospel game booths at New Kennedy Square and 7 game booths at King Square, the most number of game booths we’ve ever held at once.
Read moreToronto STM 2022 Feb News & Prayer
Toronto Short Term Mission Training Center February Prayer Items Please pray for this term’s Tuesdays and Thursdays classes and the evangelism outreach. This term will focus on evangelism and prayers by telephone on Tuesday and Thursday, may the Lord guide the students and alumni continue to work tirelessly to spread the gospel, and be vigilant and wait for the Lord’s return! Please pray for elderly care and evangelism. (Rekai, Tender Care, Kennedy Lodge, Sienna, 369 and 2 locations of Yee Hong) Due to the pandemic, pray for the outbreak among the elderly and nursing homes. Pray that the Lord will protect and care for the sick elders,
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Toronto Short Term Mission Training Center Evangelism & Training Prayer Items Pray for the Fall courses from January to April: “The Image of God and Personal Evangelism” and “Weekend 3-Month Special Topics” January 15 – March 19 (Saturdays) – 3-Month Special Topics Weekends: January 15, 22 & 29 – Preaching to Family Members in Illness February 5, 12 & 19 – How to Face and Deal with Ancestor Worships March 5, 12 & 19 – The Difficulties and Solutions to Personal Care Ministry Pray that the Lord will move believers to actively enroll in the above courses, work tirelessly to spread the gospel, and be vigilant and wait
Read moreToronto STM November News & Prayer Request
Give thanks and praise to the Lord. With the Lord’s grace, the prayers and faith actions of the co-workers and believers, the cannabis shop at Unit C-6 next to the short-term mission center finally moved out of our 60-merchants plaza on October 31, 2021. And because of the newly established By-Laws, no marijuana shop can be established among us from now on. Thanks and praise to the Lord! Non-Christian merchants are amazed by the power and truth of the Lord Jesus, and the Lord’s name is exalted, glorified and honored! Glory be to God. Once again, thank you for your support and prayer, the Lord is our banner!
Read moreToronto STM October News & Prayer Request
Pray for the Fall courses from September to December, “Video & Teleconferencing Group Follow-Up & Growth II”, “Distinguish Heretics II” and the courses “The Image of God and Believers Evangelism” and “The 4th Video & Teleconferencing” of the new semester from January to April. Pray for the new semester and for the Lord to let the students have the hearts to pursue and learn eagerly Pray for the wisdom to build up the spiritual growth of new believers and strengthen their faith. Let the growing new believers/relatives smoothly engage with church life. Please pray for the short-term mission vision sharing and graduation ceremony. Thank the Lord for
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