Jesus Loves Toronto 2019 Registration

    Please fill in the information

    MaleFemale Which church do you attend: Pastor's Name:

    Please choose your time slot:(If you need to stay overnight,please select 2 days or more)

    Tue 8/20

    Wed 8/21

    Thu 8/22

    Fri 8/23

    Sat 8/24

    Sun 8/25

    9am-12:30pm‎2pm-4pm‎7pm-9pm‎stay overnight

    9am-12:30pm‎2pm-4pm‎7pm-9pm‎stay overnight‎‎

    9am-12:30pm‎2pm-4pm‎7pm-9pm‎stay overnight‎‎

    9am-12:30pm‎2pm-4pm‎7pm-9pm‎stay overnight‎‎

    9am-12:30pm‎2pm-4pm‎7pm-9pm‎stay overnight‎‎


    Fee:Full time ($100 includes a free T-shirt,Student half price);
    Part time:($20/Day, minimum 2 days, Student half price;includes ourtreach materials);
    No charge for Sunday event。
    Residence(optional): Toronto Baptist Seminary($40/night),2 days or more。
    T-shirt(optional): 2 days or more($10/pc)

    How many days will you attend?(Do not includes Sunday)

    Are you a student? Yes No

    How many nights do you need to provide accommodation?

    Pay method:Check (Payable to:Toronto STM)Cash