By:Dale Winder
The National Initiatives Manager
for the BGEA of Canada
加拿大葛培理福音佈道會 國語項目事工經理
When I began my elementary school years we began the day singing the Canadian national anthem and saying the Lord’s Prayer in unison. By the time I finished high school we were taught that science had proven God does not exist. Therefore, not only did we stop saying the Lord’s Prayer we also no longer sang the national anthem because it acknowledged the existence of God.
Today, students are no longer taught that science is true because they are teaching truth is based on what you personally think or feel. As a result, we have fully arrived into a narcissistic society just like in the day of the Judges. “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6 & 21:25).
今天,學生不再被教導科學是真實的,因為他們被教導:真理是基於你個人的想法或感受。結果,我們完全進入了一個像士師時代一樣的自戀型社會。「那時,以色列中沒有王,各人行自己看為正的事。」(士師記 17:6 和 21:25)
What our society is blind to, is the coming chaos that will ensue in a self-absorbed society that rejects God. With a rejection toward the truth of Scripture comes a decline in moral values. Since there is no agreed upon foundation we enter into a “Wild West” type of law and order of every man for himself. I think we have seen this play out on our streets over the last few years with crowds of people protesting for their personal “freedoms” and “rights”.
我們的社會對即將到來的混亂視而不見,那是將在一個拒絕上帝的自私自利的社會中發生的混亂。隨著對聖經真理的拒絕,道德價值也會下降。由於沒有共同認可的基準,我們進入了一個每個人都自以為是的 「狂野西部」 類型的規則和秩序。我認為在過去的幾年裡,我們已經看到這種情況在我們的社區上演,成群結隊的人為他們的個人 「自由」 和 「權利」而抗議。
How should we as believers respond to these concerning trends? As Christians we can’t even agree on how to counter our culture. Should we stand outside government buildings in “peaceful protest” with placards, send letters to our MP’s, preach on street corners, voice our opinions on social media, play economic warfare by boycotting certain companies, or sit back in tolerance and let it all play out? What should we do?
作為信徒,我們應該如何應對這些有關趨勢?作為基督徒,我們甚至無法就如何對抗我們的文化達成一致。我們是應該站在政府大樓外舉著標語牌 「和平抗議」,給我們的議員寫信,在街頭傳講,在社交媒體上發表我們的意見,通過抵制某些公司來打經濟戰;還是袖手旁觀,聽任外面局勢自然發展?我們應該做什麼?
The first and most effective weapon we have is prayer! Church historian, J. Edwin Orr, in his video The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening says there has been no spiritual awakening that did not start without a “concerted effort of extraordinary, sustained prayer.”
我們擁有的,第一個也是最有效的武器就是祈禱!教會歷史學家 J. Edwin Orr 在他的視頻 「祈禱在靈性覺醒中的作用 The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening」 中說,世上不曾有任何靈性覺醒的啟動,而沒有 「非比尋常、持續祈禱的共同努力」。
As I’m sure you have often heard, in 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
So, if we want to see this promise of healing come true in your country then why is it that we don’t see more Christian’s gathering together engaged in extraordinary prayer?
My wife and I have the privilege to work with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada on a National Prayer Initiative. Our vision is to encourage a heart for prayer amongst pastors and their congregations which creates a context where God sees our earnest and unified heart for spiritual transformation across Canada.
We are so encouraged as we connect with pastors and prayer intercessors to see a growing movement of believers who are aware of the need for prayer and are acting on this. To create a practical and easy way for Christians to begin praying we launched the Prayer Walk Challenge (
What a great opportunity especially during the COVID-19 pandemic for pastors to mobilize their congregations and pray for their neighbors, community leaders and for national revival. We challenge you to consider, in addition to your private prayer life, to walk your neighborhood and pray.
這是一個多麼好的機會呀!尤其是在 COVID-19 大流行期間,牧師可以動員他們的會眾,為他們的鄰居、社區領袖和國家復興祈禱。我們鼓勵您考慮,除了您的私人日常祈禱生活之外,還可以在您的社區步行並祈禱。
Finally, is there a group of Christians you can meet on a regular basis to pray a concerted, earnest effort of extraordinary, sustained prayer? Imagine what God would do if we all took up this challenge? I believe we would experience revival and the spiritual transformation we desire.
Dale Winder is the National Initiatives Manager for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada. He has 30 years of ministry experience as a pastor, denomination leader and cross denomination network leader.
Dale Winder 是加拿大葛培理福音佈道會全國議案經理。他有30年的牧師、宗派領袖和跨宗派網路領袖的事工經驗。